3 Tips for Making Email Introductions
When you’re a freelancer, every connection counts. I have no shame in asking my peeps to introduce me to theirs. Why? One connection leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another, which could lead to…who knows? Some new client work? A gig? A book deal? You never know.
I asked a friend of mine to introduce me to a friend of his who works in healthcare. I loved his email, so I thought I’d share it with you.
Cindy, meet Jessica, a good friend of mine who has the most interesting hobbies of anyone I've met (ask her about standup or the Turkish fashion show) and who has been working in healthcare communications for the past few years. I was talking to Jessica about her work and thought of you.
Jessica, meet Cindy, my former coworker, who was working on communications here, and now does healthcare communications stuff. But, more importantly, was a voice of sanity and fun in a crazy world. (And with whom, sadly, I was never able to get a well-thought-through plan around ping pong, disco, and roller skating off the ground.)
I was hoping the two of you might have a chance to meet for coffee.
Here’s why It worked:
The email was short and sweet.
He focused on what makes us interesting people — not just the healthcare connection.
He gave us a suggestion of what we could do, but not in a pushy way.