Musings about healthcare marketing, event engagement and more.
How Do I Become a Freelance Healthcare Writer?
I never planned on working at any place for eight years. But then, I started working for myself.
Will GenZ Make Friends at Work?
Half the fun of going to work is hanging out (or Zooming out) with people you like.
Crisis Communication: An Email From My Son's Pre-School
This is an example of how marketers can turn an unfortunate situation into something that reassures the audience that the situation is under control.
Please Stop Calling Me Mom
Ever since my son was born, I no longer exist as a person at the doctor’s office.
3 Tips for Making Email Introductions
You know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. How can you get them all connected?
Millennial Wellness: Why I Was Dancing at a Bar at 6:30 a.m.
Skip your morning routine of oatmeal and NPR. Go dance!
Understanding Bedside Manner in an UberPool
What this UberPool driver taught a young doctor about listening to patients.
Why I Exercise Like a Grandma
Exercising like a millennial is exhausting. This is why I'd rather workout like an AARP member.
How to Defend the Affordable Care Act
It's 2 a.m. You're at a bar. And people want to talk about healthcare reform. Go!